Embracing a Mountain Biker’s Growth Mindset for Lifelong Learning and Curiosity

by Jennifer Banton
Mountain biker crossing river with rocks

I had a growth mindset before I even knew what it was. As I reflect on my life, I understand fully what it means to be a lifelong learner. Can’t stop, won’t stop!

Riding the Trails of Growth

Mountain biking, rather biking in general, wasn’t a lifelong dream of mine. Sure, I rode a bike as a kid – pink banana seat huffy anyone?! But riding bikes was just that, something I did as a kid. I did get a bike in my 20’s and it traveled with me through my 30’s but I have little memory of riding it.

It wasn’t until I met my husband, Adam, that riding bikes was a thing in my thoughts. Adam is the opposite of me. He grew up riding BMX and it was his lifelong dream – that he made a reality. Bikes quickly became more prevalent in my life in 2008.

Fast Forward to 2015

We were living in Colorado at the time (that’s another story) and our interest was piqued in mountain biking. We both got our first “big” bike and rode local trails nearby. Prior, I had been riding a BMX hand-me-down bike. I absolutely loved getting to explore and learn from Adam. My main focus was just to simply have fun!

BMX rider in red spiral feature

Mountain biking was something new to me and new to Adam as well. It felt like something we were learning together – regardless of his experience on a bike. BMX and Mountain Bikes are totally different. It didn’t matter that we were on different levels of the basics, it was still new.

Now Fast Forward to 2023

We have been back in Arizona for 7 years now and have both accelerated our riding. I reflect often about where I started and where I am and get excited about continuing to learn and become a better rider.

For someone who was not an active kid – never playing sports and only caring about fitness from a true health perspective until my late 20’s – I am proud of my growth. It serves as a reminder about why having a growth mindset, always learning, and staying curious throughout life is important to me.

On long rides, my brain is super activated. I get so much inspirational thoughts and ideas and one that I always think about are analogies of mountain biking and life in general.

Mountain biker climbing mountain road

Here are 3 things mountain biking has taught me:

  1. Embrace the Climb!
    In mountain biking, the uphill climbs can be grueling and demanding. Climbing, especially where I live, takes strategic thinking and making quick decisions and choices.
    Similarly, personal growth requires effort and perseverance. It’s about pushing through obstacles and embracing challenges head-on.
    By adopting a growth mindset, we understand that setbacks are opportunities for learning and improvement. Just as riders conquer steep inclines, we can conquer our fears and limitations, knowing that the journey itself is as important as the destination.
  2. Navigate the Downhill!
    Mountain biking is not just about the uphill battles; it’s also about the exhilarating downhill descents. It’s the reward of the climb.
    Similarly, continuous learning allows us to enjoy the fruits of our efforts. As we acquire new knowledge and skills, we gain momentum and confidence. Just as riders navigate the twists and turns of a downhill trail, we can navigate life’s uncertainties with agility and adaptability.
    By staying curious and open-minded, we can embrace new experiences and make the most of every opportunity. It’s not always about racing down either. Often, I have to slow down and make strategic decisions – relying on my balance more than ever.
  3. Explore New Trails!
    Adam and I, like most avid mountain bikers, are always seeking new trails to explore. Explore missions are one of Adam’s favorites and I enjoy coming along for the ride.
    Similarly, staying curious throughout life means constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences. Just as riders venture into uncharted territories, we can step out of our comfort zones and embrace new challenges.
    By seeking out diverse perspectives, engaging in lifelong learning, and embracing new opportunities, we can expand our horizons and discover hidden talents and passions.

Onward and Upward

There are so many other aspects of mountain biking that I love. It has allowed me to explore my passion for nutrition in a whole new light. You have to think about nutrition and meal planning differently on ride days and I love continuing to seek ways to properly fuel our rides and recovery.

It still continues to be an activity that Adam and I love doing together. Overall, it truly helps me stay present – each ride, tuning into my energy of that day, what I need to learn and where I need to listen. It for sure is the backbone, alongside Adam’s BMX career, for The Biker and Baker – our granola company.

So, for never setting out to love mountain biking and all the various aspects, its a wonderful reminder of the possibilities in life when you stay open minded, curious and strive to try new things. Lots of people like to put blame on age for not starting something new in life. Age should be the reason you start something new! Every year opens more possibility – you get to tap into your wisdom and life experience and apply yourself differently. That’s a growth mindset!

What new things are you interested in? I challenge you to look at something you love doing from this perspective. See where it goes and appreciate the possibility!

I look forward to many, many more years of mountain biking and all the life lessons it will bring me – and Adam!

Mountain Bikers in Sedona

With Gratitude, Jennifer

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